

Knowing how to customize the back end of a WordPress site is complicated, and you may want an expert who can stay on top of updating it once it’s up and running. The more customized your WordPress site is, the more experience a developer needs to have with its intricacies.

WordPress professionals can seamlessly handle complicated aspects of installing, customizing, and maintaining the back end of your site’s platform. Their services include launching WordPress sites, authoring custom plugins, and writing innovative, bug-free WordPress code. If you’re hiring a developer to help you get the most out of this powerful platform, here are a few related skills to look for:

  • PHP programming language
  • HTML5
  • CSS3 (and the Sass precompiler)
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • MySQL
  • Experience launching WordPress sites and creating, customizing, and developing themes
  • Custom plugin and widget authoring experience

